Stilwell - Where opportunities grow!

City Ordinances

City Ordinances

To report a code violation, for questions regarding a notice received or for general questions regarding code enforcement please call 918-696-7143 option 6.

A large building with a lot of windows on a sunny day

Stilwell City Hall on 1st Street

City of Stilwell Charter

Charter Amendment

(001) Mayor Power to Appoint Officers

(005) Photographs 

(006) Water Works Extension Refunding Bonds 

(007) Repealed 

(008) Repealed, Re-enacting Ordinance No 2

(009) Election

(010) Parking of Large Vehicles

(013) Electric Light Extension

(015) Regulating Trains

(016) Waterworks Extension & Improvement Bond

(022) Public Intox

(025) Election / Bond Election - Sewer

(028) Sewage Disposal Plant

(029) Employees / Social Security for Officials & Employees

(032) Annexation - Allison

(038) Building Code

(041) Annexation - Mehegan

(043) Civil Defense

(043-A) Trust Indenture / ADA Trust

(044) Seventh Street / Allen Addition

(045) Annexation - Nancy

(046) SADA

(047) Water and Sewer Rates

(049) SADA

(050) Telephone Inspection Fee

(052) Annexation - Burnett - Pemberton

(054) Annexation - Auffett - Parrott

(056) Planning, Zoning Commission

(057) Airport Commission

(058) Annexation - Hudgins

(059) General Funds / 1% Sales Tax

(060) Annexation - Leasure Lane

(061) Volunteer Fire Dept.

(063) Annexation - City Subdivision

(064) SADA

(065) SADA

(066) Sewer Rates

(067) Annexation - 1922

(068) Library Service

(070) Annexation - City Park

(072) Annexation - Squires Estates

(073) Qualified Electors

(074) NEOPFA

(076) 2% Sales Tax

(077) Ambulance Service

(080) Dumping Oil

(082) Annexation - Carson - Auffett

(083) Annexation - Plainview

(084) Annexation - Reese

(085) Annexation - Mehegan

(086) Gas Inspector

(087) NEOPFA

(090) Annexation - Lewis

(091) Annexation - Green 1973

(092) Annexation - Qualls

(093) Annexation - Arnett

(094 A) Solid Waste Management

(094 B) Annexation - White

(095) Closing Streets

(098) Annexation - Doyle

(100) Building Permit

(101) Annexation - Brashear

(102) Annexation - Bruner

(103) Transfer of Monies

(104) Annexation - Joyce

(105) Restricting Mobile Homes

(106) Annexation - 1976

(107) Boundaries Leisure Lane

(108) Offenses

(110) Annexation - Pruett

(111) Annexation - W. H. Langley

(112) Annexation - Stufflebeam

(113) Annexation - Brashear 1977

(114) Annexation - First Baptist Church

(115) Annexation - Hospital

(117) Public Library

(118) Vacating Alleyway

(119) Annexation - Southern Estates

(120) Annexation - 1977 North

(121) Annexation - Maryetta School

(122) Annexation - Martin

(123) Annexation - Roberts

(124) Annexation - Todd

(125) Annexation - Johnson

(127) Annexation - Southern Estates 2

(128) Increase Salary

(129) Licensing Temporary Vendors

(130) Annexation - Garrett

(131) Replat 1976 Langley

(132) Annexation - Industrial Tract 1

(133) Annexation - Hudson Block

(134) Annexation - Patterson Heights

(135) Annexation - Hogner Heights

(136) Replat Lee Block 1976

(137) Library

(138) SADA

(139) Fireworks

(140) Boundaries - Bruner

(141) Annexation - Goodlow Proctor

(142) Water Rates

(143) Annexation - Carlile Heights

(144) Television

(145) Television

(146) Annexation - Arnall

(147) Annexation - High School

(148) Annexation Bartlett Heights

(149) Taxes

(150) Damaging of Streets

(151) Telephone

(152) Mobile Homes

(153) Annexation - 1982

(154) Annexation - Davis

(155) Electrical License

(156) Annexation - Southern Villa 1

(157) Building Code

(158) Fluoridation Water Supply

(159) Ambulance Rates

(160) Annexation - Dogwood

(161) Energy Regulatory Commission

(162) Raise Fine

(163) Door to Door Salesmen

(164) Combustion Engines on Lake

(165) Repealing Ordinances

(166) Flood Plain

(168) Fine for Engines on Lake

(169) Blocking Roads by Trains

(170) Increase Salary

(171) Annexation - Davidson West

(172) Annexation - Ketcher

(173) Property Doyle

(174) Annexation - Replat Southern Villa 1

(175) Annexation - Hurlbut

(176) Annexation - First Baptist Church

(177) Passing School Buses

(178) Closing Hours Taverns

(179) Private Clubs

(181) Airport Zoning Board

(182) Fines

(183) Attorney

(184) Zoning Board

(185) Annexation - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

(186) Excise Tax

(187) Losses Due to Flood Conditions

(188) Annexation - Skywood

(189) Board of Directors Library

(190) Entering into Contracts

(190 A) Entering into Contracts

(191) Cemetery Board

(194) Annexation - Hickory Village

(195) Annexation - Gill

(197) Failure to Appear

(198) Traffic Code

(199) Grave Openings Charges

(200) Repealing Ordinance

(201) Annexation - Dudley

(202) Sales Tax

(203) Cable Antenna

(204) Littering Streets

(205) Annexation - Johnson

(205-A) Annexation-Johnson-Name-Change

(206) Annexation - Seymour

(207) Annexation - Second Morton

(208) Dilapidated Buildings

(209) Annexation - Elementary School

(210) Building Code

(211) Volunteer Fire Department

(212) Annexation - Maryetta Elementary School

(213) Interfere Utilities

(214) Narcotics

(215) Annexation - Replat Bruner

(220) Annexation - Replat Baker Block

(221) Annexation - Synergy

(222) Increase Salary

(223) Annexation - Replat Bruner

(224) Penalty Violations

(225) Annexation - Barker Etc...

(226) Annexation - Rolling Hills 1980

(227) Annexation - Sonic

(228) Annexation - Rolling Hills 3

(229) Fair Housing

(230) Annexation - Rider

(231) Annexation - Bigby

(232) Ambulance Fees

(233) Annexation - Gertie’s

(234) Annexation - Fellowship Baptist Church

(235) Annexation - Bruner Mobile Homes

(236) Annexation - Daigneault Mobile Homes

(237) Curfew Minors

(238) De-Annexation - Barker Land

(239) Annexation - O’Neal

(242) Annexation - 1992 Ketcher

(243) Annexation - Subway

(244) Annexation - Industrial Park

(245) De-Annexation - Nancy

(246) Annexation - Stilwell Foods

(247) Annexation - Wooden

(248) Boundary Lines Wards

(251) Annexation - 1993

(252) Vacating Skywood

(253) Annexation - Davidson

(257) Agriculture Use

(258) Curfew Hours

(259) Annexation - Hummingbird

(260) Annexation- Young Avenue

(261) Annexation - Highway Right of Way

(262) Benefits - Elected Officials

(263) Annexation - Martin 2

(264) Annexation 1982

(265) Annexation - Cullipher

(267) Annexation - New Hope

(268) Council Salary

(269) Replat Lewis

(270) Annexation - Arnall

(271) Annexation - Southern Estates No. 3

(272) Annexation - Tower Heights

(273) Annexation - 1995

(274) Employee Retirement

(275) Annexation - Water Plant

(277) Flood Damage Prevention

(278) Retirement Plan

(279) Annexation - Two J’s

(280) Annexation 1996

(283) Annexation - Sheridan Patterson

(285) Sewage Treatment Facilities

(286) Annexation - Hickory Street

(287) Annexation - Adair State Park Road

(288) Annexation - 97 - 02

(289) Annexation - Southeast

(290) Parking of Certain Vehicles

(291) NEOPFA (Gas Franchise)

(292) Temporary Vendors

(293) Annexation - 98 - 03

(294) Annexation - 98 - 01

(295) Annexation - 98 - 02

(296) Transporting Children in Cargo Bed

(297) Water, Sewer, Electric Rates

(298) Brush and Tree Limb Fees

(301) Electrical Code

(302) Mechanical Code

(303) Plumbing Code

(304) Seat Belts

(305) Employee Retirement System

(306) Annexation - Doyle Second

(307) Employee Retirement System

(308) Hook up Sanitary

(309) Utility Rates

(309 B) Utility Rates

(309 C) Utility Rates

(309 D) Utility Rates

(309 E) Utility Rates

(309 F) Utility Rates

(309 G) Utility Rates

(310) Seat Belt

(311) Annexation - New Haven

(313) Annexation - Clearwater Estates

(314) Employee Retirement

(315) Throwing Articles at Parades

(316) Annexation - McFarland

(317) Brush and Tree Limbs Fee

(318) Garbage and Refuse Rates

(319) Curfew

(320) Curfew

(323) Annexation - Spangler

(324) Annexation - Netro

(325) Annexation - Hummingbird

(326) Employee Retirement System

(329) Telephone Exchange

(335) Rummaging in Trash Containers

(336) Replat Block 7

(337) Annexation - Collins Addition

(338) Firework Ordinance

(339) Drug Paraphernalia

(340) Salary for Mayor and Clerk

(341) Repeal Ordinance 284

(342) Increase City Clerk Pay

(343) Building Permit Fees - Regulations (Repeals Ordinance 216)

(344) Increase City Clerk Pay

(345) Hotel / Motel Tax

(346) Employee Retirement System Benefit Plan

(347) Annexation - Croley Addition

(348) Detach Croley Addition (Citizen Petition prev. det. From going into effect)

(349) Cemetery Meetings & Board

(351) Prohibition Allowing Gatherings / Minor Consuming Alcoholic Beverages

(352) Closing Street Alleyways / In Fairview

(353) Prohibition parking / Fire Lanes on Private Property

(354) Annexation - Certian Terr / Corp Limits/ Stonebrook Park

(355) Providing for Flood Damage Previous Declaring Emergency

(356) Amending the Employee Retirement System

(357) Granting / Trust NOPFA Successors

(358) Providing Additional Duties/ Increase Salary/ City Clerk- Treasurer

(363) Additional Duties of City Clerk- Treasurer Providing Compensation

(365) Guidelines - Approval of Purchasing/ Payment Purchasing Agent Officer

(366) Annexation - Territory into Corp. Limits / Stonebrook Park

(367) Amend Employee Retirement System

(368) Economic Development Rate

(368 A) Job Incentives

(370) Annexation - Dogwood 2 Addition

(371) Job Tracking Data

(373) Fire-Department-By-Laws

(373 A) Amend-Fire-By-Laws

(373-B) Amend-Fire-By-Laws

(374) Granting Ozarksgo Franchise

(378) Posting of House Numbers

(378 B)Posting of House Numbers Citations

(379) Public Health and Environmental Quality

(380) Adopting Oklahoma Traffic Code Title- 47, Title 21, and Title 63

(381) Municipal Court Costs

(383) 2018 Stilwell Code of Ordinance

(384) Adopting International Code Commissions ICC Family

(385-2023) Permits and Fees

(385-2023-A) Permits and Fees - Camping

(386) Temporary Vendor Permits

(386 B) Special Event Licensing

(387) Annexation - 2018 Cemetery Addition

(388 B) Adoption of Alcohol Modernization Act

(389) Frederick Addition

(390) Regulation of the Use of Tobacco and Vapor Products

(391) Disposal of municipal Records

(392) Compensation of All Elected Officials

(395) 2019 Election Costs

(396) Restrict bidding on surplus

(397) Code of Ordinances 2020

(398) Amending the Employee Retirement

(399) Abandoned and Inoperative Vehicles and Trailers

(400 D) Trash Placement and Pick-up

(402) Rules concerning the discharge or sale of fireworks

(402-B) Rules concerning the discharge or sale of fireworks

(403) Rules and Regulations Concerning Burning of Any Type

(404) Residential Sales

(404 A) R Sales Change

(405) Katie Sue Hummingbird Addition 2020

(405-A) - KSH Addition Correction

(406) Rules Concerning Animals Within City Limits

(406 A) Changes to 406

(406 B) Rules Concerning Animals Within City Limits

(407) The Department of Animal Control

(407 A) Additional Guidelines

(408) Cherokee Annex 1 Addition 2020

(409) Signs

(409 A) Signs

(410) Telecom Towers

(411) Pawn

(412) City Response to COVID 19

(413) Roadways, Driveways, Sidewalks, & Curbs

(413 A ) RDSC Changes

(413 B) RDSC Changes

(414) Trailers & Commercial Vehicles

(414 A) TCV Changes

(415) 2021 Election Costs

(416) Sales Tax Update

(417) REALTYCO LLC Annex-1

(418) Adair City Park

(419) City Parks

(419 A) City Parks Update

(419 B) City Parks Update

(420) Code of Ordinances 2022

(421) Closing Portion of Cedar Street

(423) Youth Access to Tobacco and Vaping Products

(424) Cherokee Nation Wellness Center

(425) R and D Johnson Addition

(426) 2023 Election Costs

(427) Snodgrass Addition

(428) Planning and Zoning

(429) Annexation QOZ Addition

(430) Wastewater Dumping

(431) Fire Fees

(432) RePlat Crittenden Addition

(433) RePlat Ogden Addition

(434) 2023 Code of Ordinances

(435) Fire Department Bylaws

(436) Fats, Oils, and Grease

(437) Amend Ordinance 392

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