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Water and Wastewater plants

New Water & Wastewater Plants

by Renee Fite

The City of Stilwell is experiencing a time of growth and expansion. Two essential upgrades are to the water treatment plant and waste water treatment plant.


The water treatment plant upgrade is located at 470627 East 840 Road, southeast of the existing water treatment plant.


Funding sources for the project are the Cherokee Nation via ARPA funds and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.


It will be an entirely new water treatment plant, said General Manager Brad Doublehead.


“It will allow us to provide 5 million gallons per day of water to the City of Stilwell and the Rural Water Districts that purchase water from Stilwell Area Development Authority,” Doublehead said. “The existing plant can only provide 3.5 million gallons per day.”

Welding on the top of a tank

Welding on the top of a tank. 

photo by Renee Fite

The water treatment plant has several outbuildings.

Renee Fite photo

The old water plant will be demolished, and this will be the sole water plant for the City, said Doublehead.


“This will ensure that the City continues to have adequate water supply to keep up with the rapid growth we are experiencing,” he said.


When will the new plant be up and running?


“We expect the new plant to be fully operational by the summer of 2026, with the entire project completed by October of 2026,” Doublehead said.


The wastewater treatment plant is located at 1008 Eighth Street, east of the existing wastewater plant.

Dirt work is in progress at the water treatment plant.

Dirt work is in progress at the water treatment plant.

Renee Fite photo

Funding sources for this project are the Cherokee Nation and Oklahoma Water Resources Board.


“A new flow equalization basin will allow for the plant to hold excess flow so we can more efficiently treat the wastewater coming into the plant,” he said. “It will enhance the capacity of the current plant.”

The wastewater plant is in the beginning stages.

The wastewater plant is in the beginning stages.

Renee Fite photo

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