Stilwell - Where opportunities grow!

Planning and Zoning

Planning and Zoning 

The board meets quarterly

and as needed at City Hall.

Krista Bradley, Melissa Cole, and Jessica Greene serve as the Planning and Zoning Board, with Greene as chairman and Bradley as vice chairman. 

The Planning and Zoning Board serves as an advisory board to the City Council on matters pertaining to planning and zoning issues in the City of Stilwell. It is responsible for procuring information and making recommendations to the City Council on the creation or modification of zoning districts and their regulations.

The Board serves as a recommending body to the City Council regarding the approval or disapproval of all preliminary, final, and revised plats of land. 

The Board shall discharge all functions involving City planning and zoning by law or ordinance, and shall investigate, study, and submit reports and recommendations to the City Council on all such matters as it or the City Council deem appropriate, and which have any relation to municipal planning or zoning. 

They make recommendations for zoning reclassification of land and lot splits. The Board also holds public hearings on such zoning applications or the creation or modification of zoning districts and their regulations. 

Board members were appointed to the City's Plan­ning and Zoning Board by the City Coun­cil. These are cit­i­zens who take an avid inter­est and pride in Stilwell, who get involved by giv­ing unselfishly through vol­un­teer­ing their time and energy to make Stilwell "a great place to live, work, raise a family and play."

A map of the city of stilwell is shown
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