Stilwell - Where opportunities grow!

Community Garden

Community Garden

by Renee Fite

City of Stilwell Director of Public Relations and Media

A community garden is a new project offered by the Stilwell Public Library this year. It will be five raised beds inside a chain link fence on the north side of the library. 

There is a monthly meeting for those interested in getting involved and growing their own fresh produce. Each meeting will have an activity such as prepping, planting and caring for the plants and to learn about the process, with the next one on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. at the library.

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“Our goal is to get five individuals, families or groups to each adopt a raised garden bed,” 

- Rachelle Horney, library manager.

Rachelle Horney stands beside a greenhouse purchased for the community garden project the Stilwell Public Library is hosting

Two grants provided supplies for the raised gardens. A Healthy Literacy grant for $2,500 from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and federal funding was by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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“Most of the funds will be used to install the garden. We purchased five raised beds, and will provide seeds, all the necessary tools, fertilizer and soil,” she said. 

At the February meeting attendees will be planting seeds in peat pods. The little growing containers will be kept in the new greenhouse which is currently inside the library, until the weather warms up.

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“We’ll have mostly vegetable seeds and marigolds to help with pollinating and keeping bugs away,” said Horney.

Superintendent Matthew Brunk with his family: wife Cory and kids Miles, Flynn, and Marlowe.

Once the weather is warmer the raised garden beds will be installed within the fenced space.

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“The city fenced the area for us,” she said.

When she was employed at the Muskogee Library, Horney said they adopted a raised bed at a local church.

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“The kids and parents showed up to water and take care of the garden beds and we had a blast doing it, so this seemed like something we could do here. Not everyone has access to space for a garden,” Horney said.

She anticipates the gardens will supplement plenty of healthy produce for those taking care of a bed, with some to share.

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“Once we start growing, I hope to use some of the veggies from the garden for third Thursdays for adults in the healthy cooking group,” she said. 

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