Stilwell - Where opportunities grow!



City Hall was almost finished...

by Renee Fite

City of Stilwell Director of Public Relations and Media

In the winter of 2023-2024, concrete work had just begun for the new Stilwell City Hall property, bringing the facility another step closer to completion. A public open house was tentatively set for Saturday morning, February 17, but it was delayed.

The concrete was scheduled to be poured Monday, Dec. 18 and completed that week, but rain forecast later in the week and cold temperatures delayed some of the work.

A pair of black speech bubbles on a white background.

“The exterior is 99 % complete,” said Community Development Director Shawn Noel.

Interior progress had been steady with the foyer and most offices and meeting rooms finished with paint and carpet, a counter in the lunch room and a curved desk top in the City Council meeting room on the dais. A delay came with the elevator, but it is now awaiting inspection.

A pair of black speech bubbles on a white background.

Office furniture has been delivered and window shades are expected to go up this week, Noel said, “and appliances are ready to be installed.”

Concrete Pouring
City of Stilwell staff Denise Brown displays cord and large needles that were used in past elections.

The state inspection was scheduled for January 16. Finishing work continued, with tile, wood stain, carpet incomplete in areas, and paint touch up. Cleaning was ongoing. 

Landscaping would be set when the concrete was complete and enhanced in the spring.

A pair of black speech bubbles on a white background.

“We want to make sure everything is set up inside and ready for the public,” Noel said, of the upcoming open house. 

Mayor Jean Ann Wright had been walking through the City Hall weekly, checking progress as it was getting closer to the move-in date.

A pair of black speech bubbles on a white background.

“It will be nice to have a City Hall with enough space to house all administrative staff and space for future growth,” Wright said. “We look forward to the open house.”

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